Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Bless you, Joe. I’ve been praying for my daughter for over thirty years and lately I’d resigned myself and pretty much given up. Then I read this and it is exactly what I needed for a hard “reset”. I have repented for my own stone-throwing and I’m going to press in. Thank you brother for a timely word and this much-needed exhortation!

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That made my day MMA. You really made my heart smile.

We can never give up on the people we love because Jesus never gives up and is constantly pursuing them just like He pursued me.

I’m praying for you guys my friend!

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Amen and Amen!

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Jun 18Liked by Joe Lange

Read the book “the hour that changes the world”

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Beautiful. Thank you. Yes. God is amazing. He can completely transform this country if all of us believers pray and fast and ask forgiveness, as if we were those who are hurting us. Thank you Brian.

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I’m with you my friend!!

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you Joe Joe... Great piece which I am sharing among our Men's Prayer/Breakfast group. Bless you Joe!

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That means more than you know my friend!

Blessings to you all!

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Jun 17Liked by Joe Lange

"He calls me friend".... reminded me of that great lyric...

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Wonderful article God has definitely given you a gift. I often talk about my conversion on the road to Damascus. I understand how wretched my sins were and it gives me so much compassion for the lost. When people wish hell on anyone it grieves my soul. I've prayed for many that are thought of as monsters. We all deserve damnation. But it is God's desire that none will perish. If He saved my wretched soul he can save anyone! He saved my husband Paul only a few months before he died, I had prayed for many years for him. Never give up there are many Sauls that need saving.

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That is such great news about your husband. I was a wretch too but Jesus still saw value in me and I’m very thankful!

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Great post, We are all capable of miracles, it involves turning to God's guidance and acting. God does the miracle through you. It's not always easy, fun or pretty, usually, exactly the opposite. Then you deal with those associated with the miracle, the actual person, or their family. They want to make YOU the Hero. God is the Hero, not me. I was the tool God used to create his miracle. I have brought several people back from cardiac arrest during my time as a first responder. My father in law twice, and my step son which was truly a miracle where God used my skills and environmental awareness. Those who witnessed it acknowledged it, and the news spread through the building. I was no saint, but I had some specific training and experience that had shown me, that specific situations require me to get out of the way and allow God to work through me. All the praise goes to God, for I am just following his orders. I'm blessed that through these I've gained a stronger connection with God. I'm just doing what he sent me back to do.... Peace...

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That is a great testimony my friend. God has placed you where He needs you to be and it is a great joy to be used by God and anticipating the opportunity.

Blessings to you my friend!!

Keep up the faith!!

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Amen, Brother Joe! So beautifully written; thank you. I'm in the book of Acts in my daily Bible reading, and just read this passage a couple of days ago. All glory to the Lord Jesus Christ!

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I love the Book of Acts! It’s one of my favorites!!

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Jun 17Liked by Joe Lange

It is my favorite as it includes everything believers need.❤️🙏

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Great point!

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

This couldn’t have come at a better time. Having dinner tonight with my husband to celebrate Father’s Day with my semi-Christian step daughter who has moved away from Christ to be more of a woo-woo believer in love and kindness. She doesn’t believe in the resurrection of our Lord and thinks she is as powerful as Jesus because she is so loving. She attained all of this thought from getting her masters in ‘spiritual psychology’ which I totally believe is Satan at work to lead people away from Christ, thinking it’s all about love and kindness. I’ve tried to reason with her to no avail. But now I see it’s just the power of prayer that I need to rely on. The Lord will move her back to him his way…not mine. Prayer is powerful and I will rely on that to see the miracle of her conversion!

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You are exactly right. Jesus is the One who leads the way, we just want to help point people in the right direction.

Prayers my friend!

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Jun 18Liked by Joe Lange

Dick Eastman @ Amazon.com

The Hour That Changes the World: A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer

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Jun 17Liked by Joe Lange


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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Thank You, Joe....

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You are very welcome Tom!!

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Blessed be the Lord God, King of the universe! Great read for Father’s Day. Happy Father’s Day to all who see this! Btw, the answer to His writing in the dirt is found in Jeremiah 17:13. You ROCK, Joe!

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Now that was a great verse and they did turn away from Him in that very moment. Another Prophecy fulfilled!

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Jul 2Liked by Joe Lange

Joe, came across another scripture that brings further understanding of John 8:6 and Jeremiah 17:13. Read the last words of Luke 10:20.

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That’s a great verse!!

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Thank you Carol!! Interesting! Gonna check out that verse now!!❤️

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Beautiful! Thank you Joe, by way, when the older guys drop their stones first I always think it’s because they deduced they have more sin having lived longer? But I too ponder what Jesus wrote on the ground.

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I think what Jesus wrote were the dark sins none of them wanted exposed and I think it’s similar to what was written in the envelopes at the Bush funeral that took the enemy by surprise.

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Jun 17Liked by Joe Lange

Good thought!🙏

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Jun 17Liked by Joe Lange

Maybe we will never know in this life, like many things 😄

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“I have often wondered what Jesus wrote in the sand that made all of them throw down their stones and walk away. The Bible says the older ones went away first.”

Most likely he was writing the question.

Where is the man that committed adultery?

The story you're referring to is found in the New Testament of the Bible, in the Gospel of John, Chapter 8, verses 3-11. This passage recounts the Pharisees bringing a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, testing him on whether she should be stoned according to Mosaic Law. However, the specific requirement for both men and women to be stoned in cases of adultery is outlined in the Old Testament, particularly in Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:22-24. These passages prescribe stoning as a punishment for both the man and the woman involved in adultery.

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Jun 16Liked by Joe Lange

Great word, Joe! Thank you. I'd never heard that song before and it really touched my heart. My brother is a believer and is very ill. I see Jesus welcoming him into heaven with His arms open.

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Blessings Sue! Glad you liked that song, it’s been one of my favorites for a long time!

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Thank you. It always takes a miracle....but it is always possible with God. What a gracious God we serve and are honored to call "father." Blessings on you Joe.

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Thank you Becky!! Blessings back at you!!

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Jul 2Liked by Joe Lange

Your words, His words did my heart good today. I needed that reminder and I'm always amazed that God's timing is always right on time.....thanks Joe, and glory be to God!

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That made my day my friend!

God’s timing is always perfect!


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Jun 28Liked by Joe Lange

I have thought about this for some time now and have concluded that the pause between your articles may be a blessing in disguise. This one has caused me to dig deep.

Your overall message of seeing others through eyes of love (my version) is a message that I hope resonated with all. It is something that one wishes others to do when looking towards them and it therefore stands to reason that one should emanate that which they wish to receive.

Here is the part that gave me pause to dig deep on this. I can see where one may struggle with this and it could come from not understanding how truly and unconditionally loved they are. The added fight against fear, ego and all that this experience throws at us just adds to the struggle to keep our faith, no matter its strength ( trials and tribulations?). Reminding us of that love that resides within us all may be more powerful than you think and possibly just what we need.

To answer “do we need a miracle?”

YES many miracles…

My thought is that each one of us is the miracle we need. The miracle is the understanding of that love that resides within us all ( given to us), our ability to embrace this and in turn emanate that love to one another.

Thank you seems inadequate.

You, Joe are a miracle that leads to many miracles. 🫶

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Thank you Sam! That made my day!

I think you are right. Understanding that we are a miracle and that God’s love within us allows us to be a part of His miracle work in others. I believe God’s love truly binds us all together and unfortunately, many people just don’t know that yet.

Blessings my friend!

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I pray that my two grown sons will find a need for God. It's my fault, really. I have only recently brought Jesus into my life. They were never raised with a Christian emphasis. I can only hope they will learn by example. Great article Joe. I can imagine that Jesus only had to write, "I know."

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I didn’t grow up with any religious background and still came to Christ at the age of 32.

We each have our own journey regardless of whether or not our parents did a good or bad job. Jesus can overcome all of the obstacles.

What has worked for me with my girls is that I don’t ever let them doubt that I love them and I won’t stop telling them that.

They already know my beliefs and how much Jesus has impacted my life. They have to develop that relationship on their own for it to really mean something personal which changes everything.

Trust God with them. They belong to Him and He knows the best way to draw them to Him.

Blessings my friend!

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Thank you for the kind words...and I know you're right. Blessings to you and keep the wonderful articles coming.

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Thank you Joe.

As a father of two adult sons and two adult daughters, home schooled, brought up in the love and admonition of the Lord,only to watch three of them walk away from their upbringing as they attended University, I needed this.

Thank you brother.

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Blessings Paul. I had to walk my own difficult path to find Jesus and truly know Him and I can look back on that path now and appreciate the journey and the lessons learned.

All you can do with your kids is try and ground them with truth and love them no matter what.

Jesus can handle the rest.

Prayers friend.

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