Thanks Joe, the timing of this message is spot on for me. There are far too many people in my life who I have given up on, whether I admit it or not. Distancing people from your life because they are difficult and exhausting is not the answer. Compassion and mercy is the answer. Following Christ’s example is the answer.

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

When we come to the end of ourselves hopefully we’ll realize Jesus was with us all the time. “that none should perish but that all would come to the SAVING knowledge of Jesus.” That’s where peace from the Prince of Peace overflows.

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

Well, brother - look at you justa testifying like it’s nobody’s business. Thanks for that unexpected Word. A good confirmation for me to continue to keep certain neighbors in my sites when I’m praying and working in my yard.

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

This is so well stated, there's not much to add. I had a similar experience. I would see someone in a hole and reach down to them thinking, "I know how to fix this!". But instead of pulling them out; they pulled me down. I call it" the little tractor syndrome. " Without divine grace, it's a vain attempt.

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange


Every day I ask God for guidance.

“Show me what you want me to See,Hear and feel today”

Your article popped up 🙏 I hear your words.

Thank you ❤️

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

God Bless you Joe! This came to me at just the right time.

God Wins!

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you. My parish priest’s homily, based on this reading was very similar. He also pointed out that Jericho was a lowly place unlike Jerusalem- Jesus went to the lowly places to show His love and mercy to those crying out, whether out loud or silently in their pain.

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

Yes Joe, I will join you in prayer. "Will you join me and begin to pray every day and ask God to tear down the walls in your own heart so that you can see them the way Jesus sees them? Ask God to help you see their need instead of their actions"

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

Joe this is the best message I’ve read in a long time. As a person who has been severely traumatized in and out the church this hits home. My husband also was very verbally abusive to me and my son who became a drug addict and lived on the street for years. He’s dealt with transgender issues which I feel are due to the lack of love my husband showed him. I will send this message to my husband as he is now finally trying to change since our marriage almost ended in a divorce. The timing is perfect. Thank you for all you do 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

WOW!! I love reading your comments!! Thank you all for sharing!! You folks are amazing every one of you!! God came to me at a time when I needed him most and saved me. I converted to the Eastern Orthodox Church over two years ago and was finally baptized last April 5th. I pray every day that God continues to opens my heart to his light and love and that he helps me be more loving, compassionate and forgiving of my fellow man as I ask that he help them do the same of me.. I’m not well versed in scripture, but I try. I am thankful of all God provides, in gift and lesson and I thank you all for the wonderful thought you have shared.. God Bless You All!!

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you for sharing this message. I have to admit that like our brother Erik said that "distancing people from your life because they are difficult and exhausting is not the answer'" I have been guilty of this with my sister who got one dose of the jab and already had health issues which the jab made worse because I believe it damages our immune system. She goes to the doctor and takes all medication and tests they tell her to and she gets worse or has another health issue arise because of the drugs she takes! I am just the opposite and only go to the doctor when I am sick and only take one drug for thyroid disease. I call her often and we have a good relationship and love each other but it is exhausting listening to all that is wrong with her. Thank you again for sharing your heart

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Joe, another great post, this one was from the heart that makes it even more important. Walk your day in Love or above... God is Love when you walk your day in love you walk your day in God!!! You walk your day in communication through a level of energy with your creator. It's like walking your day in prayer, there is a calmness, a confidence, a knowing. When you walk your day in Love, you put on the full armor of God, you receive the guidance you need.

It's more of an energy awareness, than consciously focusing on prayer, a direct communication with your I AM that I AM... The answer to the questions is Love... Peace...

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

Thank you, Joe. The story of the blind beggar is a great one, and you have provided some great personal application to it.

When the Lord Jesus revealed himself to me 53 years ago, I heard and saw him in my heart as I read Matthew 11:28-30 for the first time. I went to him, and he gave me rest from the burdens of my selfish and sinful life.

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So beautiful, Joe. The blind man may have asked for help but was rejected many times. Rejection can make one choke on the words, please help me. There was a lot of pain involved. But we can cry out to Jesus to guide us. I love this scripture because the blind man knew he had nothing to lose. 🙏🏼❤️

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Apr 8Liked by Joe Lange

What a wonderful message God put on your heart! We all need to pray daily and from our hearts….it’s not always easy because we don’t want to bother God with trivial things; yet that’s exactly what He directs us to do. Thank you and God bless you, Joe.🙏🙏

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Thank you for this soul food! We are struggling with future DIL choice by our son and her dark heart and spirit permeates our relationship with them. This is a message of hope in our struggles with them. 🙏❤️🙏

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