On My Birthday tomorrow I will turn 74. Finding you Joe Lange has been a reward to read and discuss matters of the world and our souls. Alot of road traveled and much to reflect upon has enriched me beyond what people see, an old lady walking down the road with my dog and several cats.

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Happy Birthday Nico!! Thank you for those kind words and I do believe that our pets are a gift from God. They are loyal and loving and also bring us much joy!

I hope you have a great day tomorrow my friend!!❤️

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Thank you Joe, I feel very fortunate,

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God bless you with many more blessings and birthdays, Nico!

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Thank you for your good vibes.

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Happy birthday, Nico. And don’t concern yourself with what people see, or think. Those aren’t just dogs and cats. Those are lifelong companions who will never leave you and they will always love you. God bless you and have a wonderful birthday.

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My cats and dogs have always been my true friends they are companions whom I trust and love. If I am able to share my home with them I always will. Thanks and blessings.

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Birthday Blessings Niko🌷🌸🩷🙏💙

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I appreciate you thanks.

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Happy birthday 🙏♥️💪

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A different article given to us today. One ☝️ that’s inspiring and thought provoking. We all would like to think we believe in God. As a young child I believed. With life’s ups and downs we become hardened and try to be prepared with what’s right in front of us. We forget the calming effect of believing. I agree I have 1 friend that has that God quality and I try to connect every day with her. I admire her forgiveness in every thing life brings us. Kindness is a virtue that shouldn’t be forgotten. Thank you Joe for this moment to understand how simple it can be. ❤️🇺🇸🙏☝️

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I think kindness is definitely one of the telltale signs of a close relationship with God. Thank you for those comments Beth!!

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Communion with God that’s what we are called to believe in, that we are able to be with Him, to see Him, to talk to Him, to listen to Him. All we need to do is show up!!!

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Best thing I've read online ever, Thanks Joe

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I really do appreciate that my friend! Thank you!

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Another lesson from your heart, thank you Joe, knowing we all have access to God's Love and protection is truly a blessing. I was blessed as a child, my grandmother was a Christian Science Practitioner, she healed people through God. She left an important part of herself with me.

I have to disagree with one point you stated at the beginning. This paragraph "We begin life as a journey, not getting to choose who our parents are or where we are born. We don’t get to choose what city, town or even country we will live in. We don’t get to choose what we will look like or whether or not we will be born with an illness. We are helpless at the beginning of our journey and need constant care." Some cultures believe we do get to know some of these things but are not directly allowed access to these without dedicated effort in seeking the truth and love of God. The cultures believe before you are born, you walk a hall of souls, each room off of the hallway is a different family, life, set of trials and tribulations designed to lead you to learn your lesson. You choose your parents and circumstances. The harder the life and lessons the higher the ascension if you follow your path and learn your lesson. Thus we are given the free will to follow our path as God showed us, or take a different path. There is no shame in either as we were given the free will of our own decisions. And the consequences of those decisions.

Those of us who are blessed to Know God, and seek his Love, search for those quiet times, alone times with God, to review and reflect. To be thankful, grateful, appreciative that we were blessed with the connection. It provides a protection, security, a place of calm love that fear cannot penetrate. Our fear is our worst enemy. When you walk your day in Love, God has removed the fear and held it in check as you face the demons he places in front of you to test your conviction, without fear!! Our fear keeps us from walking on the water or swimming in the earth. With God all things are possible. God is Love, when you walk your day in Love, you install the full armor of God, with God protecting your back, what have we to fear?

"There and back again, a hobbits holiday," After a couple of tragic years in my late teens, I contacted the Hong Kong Flu. Over Christmas holiday of my senior year of high school. I was told I had a fever of 107 for more than a couple of days. I have no recollection of that week, I was living with friends and only can rely on what they told me later. The doctor made a house call which didn't happen at that time. The friends were told I cooked my brain and if I lived I would most likely be a vegetable, a shell of a being. The only thing I remember and I can see it just as vividly today as when it happened. I was in the most beautiful place I had been. The colors of the foothills covered in beautiful flowers, the breeze blowing patterns of sacred geometry through the flowers of the foothills. I was with a Grandmother figure, not either of my grandmothers, but she was my grandmother there. We walked a cobble stone path along the edge of the flowers. She was describing the place we were at as we walked the path. Along the path we walked to a cobblestone bench, partially circular in shape she sat down on one end and I sat on the other somewhat facing each other. I looked out over the flowers in the field, noticed a puffy white cloud in the brilliantly blue sky. Grandmothers words turned into Charlie Browns parents waa wa waaa waaa wa. I was so taken by the love and beauty I felt at that moment, all I could do is absorb the love that I felt. I turned and looked at Grandmother, I remember saying "This place is so beautiful, I could stay here!!" With that statement she looked me directly in the eye, and smiled a big smile, shaking her head "NO" she said "It's not your time yet." She touched me on my third eye in the center of my forehead.

The next thing I remember, I was in a cold, wet, suit that was 4-5 sizes too small. I was back in this physical vehicle. This event sent me on a mission of understanding. I read the bible cover to cover twice. Any other theology text I could get I read. What I learned by reading all those writings from the leaders of other cultures is they all have the same stories. Yea the names of the participants changed, but the overall stories were more similar than different. A giant flood, good vs evil, the horns taking down the walls of Jericho, etc. etc.

I have since researched energy, vibration, frequency, and consciousness to find a meaning or understanding of the truth. The generational lies that have been propagated upon God's people are massive. Almost every tradition our families participate in are lies designed to keep us in fear. Satan has used every trick available to him to keep us fearful. Your quote "Be Still and Know that I AM GOD!" is such a beneficial quote! In the calm stillness of God's Love fear cannot exist! Though chaos is consuming all around you, if you remain in the calmness of God's Love, you fear no evil you can physically feel God is with you! Be the calm in the storm, be with God.

Sorry for writing a thesis, your article provided an inspiration within me. May God Bless you and yours as he has Job. Your writings are helping many others to see behind the hidden... Peace...

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Love that my friend! Thank you for sharing your story. It truly sounds like you’ve been on an incredible journey and I appreciate your interesting perspective.

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Thank you Joe, I have been truly blessed. We tend to view challenges or setbacs as negative. When actually it's a test of commitment to your goal. If you don't quit, the universe or God finds a way. Thank you for your wonderful comment... Peace...

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What an incredible time for you….and encouragement for we readers! Blessings.🙏

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ALtab, from my research into NDE's each person's experience is much different. Most have similar aspects to the story, but as everyone is unique in their thought processes, it makes sense that each experience would be unique... Peace...

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….as so many things about humans are unique to each….

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This was a wonderful refection, Joe, thank you. I look forward to reading more.

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Blessings Margie!! Thank you my friend!

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“God chose a small and insignificant town as the place for the Savior of the world to be born.”


1 Corinthians 1:27 (CSB) Instead, God has chosen what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, and God has chosen what is weak in the world to shame the strong.

not a coincident that God’s Word knits together perfectly, or runs contrary to everything man considered wise.

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Those are really great comments my friend! Much appreciated!

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coincidence instead of “coincident”. i’m blamin tiny keys and no edit option!

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I liked that part of Joe’s article, too.

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Thank you for sharing part of your story Joe. I found it inspiring and uplifting. My roller coaster ride of 73 years continues to this day and when I feel bound or confused or at my wits end and I’m not sure what is happening or why, I turn to Ecclesiastes third chapter. It never fails to give me perspective and get me off of my pity pot and back on my feet. God bless you and have a great day.

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I appreciate your comments Buddy! I’m going to have to check out that chapter in Ecclesiastes.

Blessings brother!

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So good to hear you're retired and in Kentucky. I'm also happy to see you writing about God as he needs us to promote him more than ever. I had a similar experience to Job, lost everything, BUT my faith, and God did bring back more. Halfway through releasing my book about it. Nice to see this message from you Joe.

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I look forward to hearing about your story Deb. Any story that reveals God’s hand is a great testimony.

Blessings my friend!

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What a beautiful description of how God has blessed man. It’s often hard to find that quiet time….I sometimes use the time watering the garden. When it’s hot, it often exceeds an hour…sufficient time to observe the little miracles of nature God had given, but also time to reflect and be thankful. It’s hard to ask God to meet a need; easier to say thanks, yet He commands us to do both.

I do know that we have an affect on people we never meant, as there have been times where someone comes up and describes an impact I made….unknowingly. That’s why it’s important to try to live pleasing God. Who knows when…’But it’s also an opportunity to encourage others in their time of need.’

God bless you, Joe.🙏

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Keep doing what you’re doing my friend!! All for God’s glory!!


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Life is a rollercoaster hang on and enjoy the ride. Thank you Joe

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That it is!! Buckle up, but try to enjoy the highlights and learn from the lowlights.

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Loved this message Joe. It provided me some inner peace. Thank you 🙏

God Wins!

God Bless!!!

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So glad to hear that my friend!!👊🏼👊🏼

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Coincidentally I have been reading the book of Job for the last few weeks in my Bible study. lol there are no coincidences

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No coincidences Judith! God’s perfect timing!

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Thank you, Joe. This has been wonderful. You have been a very important part of my journey of faith. I love your ability to help us to understand more about how God can appear in our lives and also all of the things that you uncover in the Badlands Substack. You have helped me to make sense of my life and to keep growing in my faith! I am eternally grateful. Now looking back even in the middle of this dark. That I am in I realize that it has all been worth it because I have come to my faith and I have hope because of people like you! I was watching the chosen series and the Martha and Mary story was being portrayed and I thought of you the whole time. I have been Martha a lot of my life and now I am going to spend much more time being Mary!!! When I got this notice for your Substack this morning I had begun to read the course in miracles, and it was talking about letting Jesus help us with things in our everyday life, so that we don’t waste our free will. This really resonates with the focusing on the just one thing, and to let God lead, by making time for him!

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Thank you for those very kind words. That made my day Karey. My joy comes from encouraging people and when I can encourage anybody to want to know our loving God more, it always makes my heart smile.

Blessings to you my friend!

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God keeps a lot of things secret. I remember listening to an extended sermon series about the book of Job by Chuck Swindoll twenty years ago, and the ONE THING I took away from it is that GOD IS SOVEREIGN. We often look to the book of Job for an explanation for his -- and, by extension our own -- suffering, but God never explains to Job why He allowed his suffering. We look to God for answers to many things and, more often than not, we don't get answers. We ask Him for solutions to life's most vexing problems, but solutions are seldom forthcoming, as we "trouble deaf heaven with [our] bootless cries." We aren't privy to His secrets. All we know is that HE. IS. SOVEREIGN. That unalterable fact is very hard for us to accept because we want our own sovereign will to prevail. To seek His face is to seek HIS SOVEREIGN WILL. Now, if only I knew the secret that would actually make me WANT to!

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That’s a great point my friend! Thanks for those comments!!

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For me, if whatever I am thinking or doing, I simply ask, “is this taking me toward Christ or away?” If I can’t tell, I pray for guidance.

Thanks, Joe.

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That’s a great perspective!!

Blessings my friend!

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What a wonderful lesson!

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Thank you June!!

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